of callers will hang up when they reach a voicemail.1
Let us take your calls.
Real connections deliver real results – that’s why our customer service experts are available 24/7.
Explore all the features of a live answering service.
Most frequent questions and answers
Message taking
We answer your calls, take messages and deliver
them to you in real time, 24/7.
Urgent call handling
24/7 live answering to handle emergencies day
and night.
Time-based routing
Customize how and when we transfer calls
depending on when a caller gets in touch.
Bilingual call answering
The new language of business is speaking your customers’ language.
After-hours answering
Want to handle in-office calls? Our after-hours
service picks up when you clock out.
Overflow coverage
Never miss a call and give callers a real response
– even during busy periods – with our overflow
answering service.
How we can help.
- Welcome your callers
- Provide information
- Take messages
- Book appointments
- Qualify your leads
- Transfer calls to your team
74%of people who have a bad phone experience would choose another business next time.3
We can handle your overflow calls, your after-hours calls, or every single one of your calls.
Why it works
Capture every lead
Be there for your prospective
customers. Anywhere, anytime.
No voicemail, no bots
Win more business with real people,
not automated voices.
Manage your calls
Busy? Have an important meeting?
We’ve got you covered.
Know your callers
We recognize your returning callers
for a personalized experience.
Unique to you
No two businesses are the same.
Your call flow is tailor-made for you.
CRM integration
We integrate seamlessly with
your current systems.
“I cannot recommend Answeringservicess enough.
After missing so many calls, I needed to find a way of capturing and utilizing client information. Professional, competent and, best of all, great value for money, with the added bonus of 24/7 service.”